Colgante de amarre de 3 hebras 100% cuerda de nailon de primera calidad con dedal galvanizado de alta resistencia. (Selecciona el tamaño)


  • $63.00
  • Ahorra $-63
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  • ★ Cuerda 100% nailon de alta calidad fabricada en EE. UU. Especificaciones militares: MIL-R-17343D
  • ★ Resistente a la abrasión, durabilidad, manejo, carga de impacto, moho y putrefacción
  • ★ Empalmado profesionalmente (empalme de 7 pliegues), dedal galvanizado de alta resistencia en el extremo de la boya, ojal blando en el extremo del bote (12").
  • ★ Resistencia a la tracción: 3/8"=3700 lbs.; 1/2"=6400 lbs.; 5/8"=10400 libras; 3/4"=13800 libras; 1"=25000 libras.
  • ★ Sorbo rápido (entrega de 3 a 5 días)

  • Nuestro colgante de amarre de alta calidad 100% cuerda de nailon tiene tres características que lo hacen ideal para línea de dársena y línea de amarre. 100% La cuerda de nailon es increíblemente fuerte, es muy elástica y resiste el efectos nocivos de la luz solar mejor que cualquiera de los costosos sintéticos de nombre elegante. El valor de resistencia de las cuerdas 100% nailon es evidente, pero los beneficios de la elasticidad pueden no ser tan obvios. Cuando su barco choca contra una línea de muelle / línea de amarre inflexible, el carga en la línea va de cero al máximo en el instante en que la línea viene tenso. La consecuencia probable es una línea quebrada, no muy diferente de cómo podría romper un trozo de hilo con un tirón. Incluso si la cuerda es fuerte lo suficiente como para no romperse, está martillando tacos y bitas con cada oleada. La cuerda 100% nailon no se tensa repentinamente, sino que disipa la carga extensión. Es como la diferencia entre golpear el volante o golpear la bolsa de aire. En cuanto a la resistencia de la cuerda 100% nylon a daño ultravioleta, líneas de amarre, particularmente líneas de muelle permanentes, vivir en el sol. Las líneas dbRopesTM disfrutan de una vida mucho más larga que otras líneas en ese entorno.

    • What tensile strength do I need for a 20ft center console scout for a pendant line? Same question for the safety line?

      Thank you for your question.
      For mooring your boat I recommend two separate lines of 1/2"  (6400 lb. tensile strenght).
      Please see our recommendation guide here:
      About the safety lines, I can not answer because I do not understand what it means.
      Thank you

    • Can a 5/8" x 15 ft. come with thimble on one end and a snap hook on the other (permanently afixed) and if so how much would it cost?

      ThAnk you for your interest,
      The price is the same for the line, you just can purchase the hook here, and we tack care for splice the hook permanently.
      Thanks again.

    • Can I get a 5/8 x 6 pendant with a thimble at both ends. If so please quote a price. Thank you

      Thank you for your interest,
      The price is $43.90 with galvanized thimbles and $ 52.90 with SS thimbles, here the link:
      Free shipping in the USA.

    • for a 15 foot pendant, 5/5 rope, WHAT is the length of the loop on the boat side?

      Thank you for your question,
      The lenght of the eye (loop) is 12 inch, but if you need other size we can make any size without problem, just email us with your request.

    • What is the diameter that I need for Catalina 27 sailboat?

      5/8" is perfect for your boat. THANK YOU

    • Hi to whoever it may concern My name is Scott I’m looking for 5/8 by 60’ dock line with stainless steel thimble on one end 2 pieces Can you make that of good quality say 10 years? And price? Thank you

      Thank you for your interest.

      Please,, for custom orders send an email to with your request.

      Thank you again


    • I am in need of a bridle for a 52 Sea Ray Sedan Bridge. What length for each leg of 3/4 inch do you recommend?

      Thank you for your question,

      If you need the lines as permanent mooring lines, I recommend 2 lines of 1" x 15'.

      If you need the lines as anchor snubber or not permanent mooring, I recommend 3/4" x 15'.

      Please, let me know if you need more help.

      Thank you!

    • When will the 3/8" x 6ft" be in stock to order?

      Thank you for your question.
      It is in stock right now.

    • When will you have these back in stock? Looking for 3/8" three strand 6' with thimble mooring line.

      Thank you for your question.
      The 3/8" is just in stock again now.
      Please let me know if you have any problem for purchasing.
      Thank you.

    • What sort of hook/clip is used to attach the thimble to the mooring ball?

      Thank you for your question.
      The best way to attach the mooring lines to the mooring buoy is with shackle.
      The shackle size depends of the rope size.
      Please let me know if you need more help.
      Thank you!

    • What is the advantage of a stainless steel thimble over a galvanized thimble? What diameter mooring rope do you recommend for a 22.5 ft boat that weighs 4,000 lbs. The boat will be moored in Lake Champlain and exposed to rough water and wind. If I order a custom line with thimble's on both ends can you put swim noodles or other type floats on the line? Thanks

      Thank you for your questions.
      The SS thimble is more clean and durable then the galvanized.
      For the best balance, for your boat I recommend two lines (port and starboard) of 1/2”with splice soft eye on one end and thimble on the other end to attach around the cleats from the bow deck. it is not recommended to attach the boat from the front ring, it is just designed for towing and secure the boat to the trailer NOT for permanent mooring.
      The length of the lines should be around 2 1/2 times the freeboard of your boat.
      We do not have float but yes swivel.
      If you need custom lines please send an email to with the detail of your request, so we will do the best.
      Please, let me know if you need more help. thanks

    • What size and length of line do you recommend for a flicka 20?

      Hi, thank you for your question.
      For your sailboat I recommend two mooring lines of 1/2" x 8' (one for port side and the other for starboard side).
      Please, let me know if you need more help.
      Thank you!

    • I need an extra Mooring line for a 28 ft sailboat in the Delaware River with some current and wave action. I believe I always used 3/4-in line but I need it to be 75 ft with a heavy duty galvanized thimble.

      Thank you for your question.
      We can make it, but for custom orders please send a request to
      Thank you!

    • Want a15’ 1/2 mooring line with a thimble at each end

      Thank you for your question.
      Not sure to understand if you would like 15' 1/2 ft with thimbles on both end or you would like 15' of 1/2" line with HD thimbles on each end.
      For custom order please send an email with your request to
      Thank you!
